available paintings

Tracks_720The Other Side
of the Tracks
oil on canvas (18″ x 24″) $2500
This painting explores the geometric shape of the triangle and the line between traditional and contemporary art.

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Under the Bridge
oil on canvas laid on board
(8″ x 10″) $495
Field sketch for painting above.

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Home of Her Berth
oil on canvas (16″ x 20″) $1995
Contrasts between ancient and the modern practices are evident throughout
the commercial harbor of Gloucester.

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Home of Her Berth (plein air)
oil on canvas laid on board
(8″ x 10″) $495
Gloucester Harbor on a fine morning.

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Reaching for the Drumlin
oil on canvas (16″ x 20″) $1995
A large white pine seems to reach out to the little birches, and frames the view of a distant mountain. The green-orange color harmony plays nicely against muted autumn grays.
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Red of the Charles
oil on canvas (18″ x 24″) $2500
The intriguing shape and color of the Eliot Bridge on the Charles River in Cambridge makes a powerful visual statement.

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The Great River
oil on canvas (16″ x 20″)$1995
The dark, jagged tunnel through the woods, the smooth flat of the river, and the soaring, hazy heights of the mountains sets up an interesting juxtaposition of textures and forms.

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oil on canvas (16″ x 20″) $1995
This large block of blue-green stone guards one end of  a secret little beach. There is an interesting color contrast and geometry to the stone, and the trees seem to gracefully lean out of the way of the massive boulder.

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Boathouse & Battle Bridge (plein air)
oil on canvas laid on board
(11″ x 14″) $995
This view is of the Old Manse boathouse on the Concord River with the famous Battle Bridge in the background.

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The Dark Inlet
oil on canvas (16″ x 20″) $1995
Wild iris burst from the edge of a New England lake where the shallows reflect the deep blue of the sky overhead.

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Mystic Bridge (plein air)
oil on canvas laid on board
(6″ x 8″) $495
This is a plein air study painted on a sultry day on a placid New England river.
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Red Canoes
oil on canvas (14″ x 18″) $1600
Try to find both canoes in this painting

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Shattered Coast
oil on canvas (16″ x 20″) $1955
This view of the coast from an abandoned quarry highlights New England’s rocky soul.

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Island and Icecake
oil on canvas (20″ x 20″) $2500
The marshes of Essex in winter show that the term “island” is often open to interpretation.

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Out to Pasture? (plein air)
oil on canvas (9″ x 12″) $695
This workhorse of a tractor awaits the
next planting season.

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All images © copyright 2012 Steven A. Simpson
